Kaya is a 7 year old, 42 pound black tri whose owner can't care for her anymore. She lived with a cat and another dog and is mostly an inside girl. She is nervous around small, active children and has nipped when they get in her face. She's sweet, loyal, loves belly rubs and leash walks. Kaya is in Visalia.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 5/2***
We rescued Luna from a bad situation where she lived outside, was bred every heat cycle, and had no vet care. She came to us 9 weeks after giving birth to her last litter. Her ears are so infected, that her hearing is impaired. We're treating her for her ear infections, and have given her all her vaccines, but she can't be spayed till April when her milk dries up. She's 5 years old, 50 pounds, and friendly. Understandably, she's still uncertain of coming in and out of doors, but likes being in the house. She likes all the dogs here, and is getting used to a leash. She has a solid temperament, just needs some training.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***Adopted 5/1***
BOO #1126
Boo is a 12 year old, 44 pound blue merle boy. His owner couldn't exercise him anymore, and hopes we can find Boo a home where he'll get to play with other dogs, and get daily exercise. He can be restless at night (sundowner syndrome) so exercise is key. He's loving and sweet.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***Adopted 5/4***
Darcy, a sweet, fun 5 year old black tri girl. Darcy loves other dogs, and will solicit play with just about anyone! She is a great Aussie girl who will usually come when called!
She is barky when she is feeling happy, wanting out to be with me, or wanting in to be with me. Sometimes she just barks cause it's fun! She needs an easy walk harness as she pulls on a leash.
Darcy greets everyone like a long, lost buddy and endears herself to all! She'll chase squirrels and cats, and will wait patiently beside gofer holes! Darcy loves car rides and loves running on the beach. We'd like to find Darcy a home where she'll get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. We would like to find her a home where she's the only dog or lives with a playful, nice Aussie, and where there are no cats. Fostered in Grass Valley.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 5/8***
Tucker landed in the shelter in Santa Barbara after he was given away for reasons unknown. We don't know who owned him for his life, only that she gave him away to a person who turned him into the shelter the very next day. He seems in good health, other than carrying about 10 extra pounds. He loves people and children, and is fine meeting easy going dogs.
Tucker resource guards against other dogs...mostly food, doorways to food and access to me when I'm preparing food. He's lightning fast, and will put another dog near him in its place.
He's in great shape, can jump into the back of my SUV and completely VELCRO. No cats or other dogs in his next home. Fostered in Grass Valley.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 5/10***
King lived his life chained up in the back yard of an unscrupulous breeder. His collar was imbedded into his skin. He was the primary stud dog. He is a small Aussie who should be around 40 pounds, but has been a bit overfed to 45 pounds. He's very low activity and will play with playful dogs, but is mainly interested in being next to his human. He has some issues with big men, but hasn't bitten. He's also a bit head shy, and fearful of two arms reaching down to him. He would do well in a quiet home, with a person (preferably a woman) who will be gentle and patient, and take him on leash walks. Fostered in El Dorado, CA.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 5/11***
Kobe now lives in Santa Barbara with his new family, including a 10 year old who he just adores. Happy Trails Kobe!
Kobe turned 11 years old on 1/4/19. Kobe is friendly and outgoing with strangers, has lived with Clancy for the past 7 years. Kobe is a red merle (bleached coat) about 60 pounds, and needs to lose about 10 pounds. Kobe's owner died and we took him in. Kobe gets along with children and other dogs. NO CATS.
Fostered in Grass Davis.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 4/18***
BLUE #1124
Blue has a big, loving family ... and a swimming pool! He will start obedience classes soon, and has a big brother to run around with.
Blue is a 10 month old blue merle with his tail. His owners asked the breeder to leave his long tail, which he displays proudly! He's barky when meeting strangers, but then calms down. He is loving, crate trained, house broken, loves his toys and needs to continue obedience classes. His owners moved to London and couldn't find a place to rent with a yard. This is a big boy who will mature to 65 pounds.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 4/6***
Clancy lives with Gloria and Victor and is loving his long walks and snuggles. Clancy is Gloria and Victors 4th NCAR Aussie!.
Clancy is a sweet, fun and slightly shy 65 pound black tri boy who lived with his friend Kobe his entire life. Clancy is 7.5 years old, is about 10 pounds overweight and loving life at the Sanctuary. Clancy's owner died and we took him in. He gets along with children and other dogs. Fostered in Grass Valley.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 4/3***
Teddy goes everywhere with Scott and Bobbi.he's exactly the type of Aussie they hoped to adopt. He loves the 2 cats in his home, and lounges on his Dad's recliner whenever he can!
Teddy and his littermate were bought 10 years ago from a breeder. From day 1, the brothers fought over food-mostly Teddy wanted to get his brother's food! Owner did the best she could, but several times the door wasn't shut, or somehow they got into a fight over food. She loves them both, and they slept together peacefully on her bed with her 2 cats.for 10 years!
The last time they fought over food was late November, and she got bitten in the wrist when she tried to stop the fight. She brought them both to the shelter and we were called. In 4 days, she decided to take one back and Teddy came to us. Teddy is about 44 pounds, likes to play fetch, is totally glued to my side and has shown no aggression towards (or interest in) other dogs. He likes cats. Fostered in Grass Valley.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 4/2***
Koda NCAR #1074
Koda is a 35 pound Miniature American Shepherd mix from the El Dorado County shelter. I traced his microchip and found out he's 12-13 years old and was at the Sacramento County shelter. He spent his life unaltered, and we recently had him altered.
He's rather independent, but once near someone, will lie on his back for belly rubs. This boy is not yet trust worthy off leash, and needs a person or family to keep him close and cozy, and make him feel special. His hearing is going. He's on the mellow side except if another dog is on the other side of his fence.....then he makes trouble! Fostered in Marysville.
Contact: Kim at kim@norcalaussierescue.com
***ADOPTED 4/2***